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Its revolutionary, its phenominal, its my Sonic 2 mod


Author Topic: Its revolutionary, its phenominal, its my Sonic 2 mod  (Read 4985 times)

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Its revolutionary, its phenominal, its my Sonic 2 mod
« on: December 14, 2009, 04:08:04 pm »
Hey there! I have been working on a sonic 2 mod for quite a while now and im still working on it, however, I shall release a revised version of it. Its really good in terms of level design. but I am not really good at hex, and other things of that nature.
well here it is:


Byte Block:



Yttrium Expy.






Mario World

I am currently working on 3 newer levels, Mammoth Mt., Cyclobatory, and Electric St. They will be done when ever i get that notebook or netbook or w/e the hell its called. Here's the download link:

Caution: you must do level select in order to play. the levels arent exactally connected together correctly. And there is some minor glitches in terms of collision data and other things of that nature. Please leave a comment on what you think of the game, I need to know what other people think of it, Thank You, God Bless :D

Offline Firstkirbyever

Re: Its revolutionary, its phenominal, its my Sonic 2 mod
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2009, 04:56:13 pm »
In my opinion, looks more like a recolor (I know it isn't though).
I might download later though, and try it out.
EDIT: yeah..... i really don't like it that much there are too many glitches, the first "Zone" is mostly just "Hold Right", i only played three zones though, anyway now i feel like finishing working my Super mario world hack :(
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 05:32:17 pm by 1stKirbyever »
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